Inon: The Pricing Advisers
Inon advises business and government on pricing questions: how much to charge for services and which price points consumers respond best to.
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Inon Finance

Inon Finance is the first Web-based general ledger accounts system to be fully integrated in real time with your sales and operational systems.

The most effective companies are those with the fewest delays built into their processes. If you can move faster, you can beat your competitors more often, and you will sell more and make higher profits.

But the traditional approach to running a finance operation is based on transferring invoices and data from the operational systems periodically, closing the books on the last day of the month, generating a work-in-progress and profit and loss report 1-2 weeks later, producing management accounts quarterly and fixing all the gaps after the end of the year.

In the Internet age, and in a recession to boot, if you need to wait a year for accurate financial figures you're unlikely to be around the year after.

So get your company operating a fast, tight ship: integrate sales, operations and finance into a single Web-based system which gives you a real-time dashboard to know the performance of your whole business every minute.